• Privacy
  • Health Data
Privacy in Healthcare: The Role of National Digital Health Blueprint

Authors: Alexander Fager and Prakhar Misra

It is widely accepted that sharing of health data will reap benefits to relevant parties involved in the ecosystem. Yet, sharing of the data poses a threat to privacy of individuals. Given that health data is sensitive personal data, it holds a greater risk of harm to privacy should the necessary protocols to protect it not be in place. This paper evaluates the discrete components of the National Digital Health Blueprint, proposed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare under Government of India, in protecting privacy of individuals while allowing for sharing of health data. We look at Daniel Solove's taxonomy of privacy and evaluate the various features of the blueprint to see how it fares on protecting the specific types of privacies. The paper ends with a few recommendations on how the mechanisms can be improved by changing/adding a few technical and institutional components proposed in the blueprint.